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Invest With Us

Owing to Owning

The Capital Region Community Investment Trust (CIT) strengthens communities by empowering local residents to purchase real estate in their own neighborhood and work together to determine the highest and best use of that property. Through collaboration, local residents are able to turn their affordable investment shares, $10 to $100 monthly, into big buying power and real change!


Community members learn how to become investors through our owing to owning curriculum, which you can sign up for below. Research shows that investors go on to invest in new businesses, their own homes, and grow generational wealth for themselves and their family’s. Residents who live in the designated zip codes are eligible to become investors in the local CIT project.


Investors will have the opportunity to invest between $10 to $100 per month in the property and ultimately earn ownership in the building. Each year, community investors collect dividends on the investment property – 2% at minimum. This is a loss-protected investment and you can withdraw at any time! CIT empowers local residents to build a community that meets their day-to-day needs. Does the neighborhood need a grocery store or a fitness studio? What about a daycare or an afterschool program? Anything the community of investors identifies as a need, they can find ways to attract those businesses to their property.


This community-centered approach to economic development ensures that the project truly serves local residents – ultimately building community and boosting the bottom line. As the investment property is paid off and becomes more profitable, investors begin to earn larger dividends on their investment – and just like that, investors are building wealth. 

Sign up for Owing to Owning

Register for our free finacial action class and your first step of

your new ownership.

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Track Your Investment

Track your ownership journey to understand and maximize your financial growth.

Contact Us

Want to learn more about Capital Region CIT? Please complete the form below and we’ll send you regular updates about the project, including more information about how you can become an investor.

Thanks for submitting!


153 S.Pearl Street

Albany, NY 12202




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© 2024

Privacy Policy: CIT keeps all financial, personal and contact information secure and private. We do not share our email contacts, addresses or any other personal or business data with other organizations. We do aggregate data to report trends and analyze performance, but there is no personal data associated with these reports.

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